In 26 Great Apps for ADHD Minds, Eric Tivers at ADDitude Magazine reviews apps he’s actually tried, and actually likes.
Tapping into apps didn’t cure my ADHD, just like taking that salmon-colored pill didn’t make my symptoms disappear. But using a range of apps has allowed me to evolve from tech geek to productivity geek. I have organized the list to address areas that challenge ADHDers the most: managing distractions; managing information; managing time; enhancing creativity; getting more sleep and being more productive.
Here’s his writeup on RescueTime:
1. RescueTime
(rescuetime.com; PC, Mac, Android, Linux; free to $9 per month, depending on the version)
I’ve used RescueTime for several months. I use the free version, which allows me to see how I spend my time on my computer. If you’re looking for ways to save time, you have to know how you’re spending it.
I have ADHD and I work with people with ADHD. We all need to improve our awareness of time. There is a difference in how long you think you spent doing something and how long you actually spent. While it runs in the background, the Rescue Time app quietly tracks all of your activities. You might be surprised, as I was, to realize that you looked at cat videos for two hours. It allows you to rate each activity from “Very Distracting” to “Very Productive.” You set goals and track your progress.
In the Premium version, which I have used for a month, I have limited my time on certain websites based on my day’s goals. If I want to be on Facebook for only 30 minutes a day, it will block Facebook after half an hour.