Do I Have ADHD? beta


How ADHD Are You?


How ADHD are you? Robin Williams-level? Puppy-level? Something else?

Find out with this 5-minute meme test!

And if you wouldn’t mind helping us calibrate this test — please answer some totally confidential questions about your ADHD experience (or non-experience!)

Many thanks!

1 / 35

Is this you?

2 / 35

Is this you lying?

3 / 35

Is this you?

4 / 35

Is this you?

5 / 35

Is this you?

6 / 35

Is this you?

7 / 35

Is this you?

8 / 35

Is this you?

9 / 35

Is this you?

10 / 35

Do you need this sign?

11 / 35

Is this you?

12 / 35

Is this you with a silver lining?

13 / 35

Is this you?

14 / 35

Is this you?

15 / 35

Is this you?

16 / 35

Is this you?

17 / 35

Is this you?

18 / 35

Is this you?

19 / 35

Is this you?

20 / 35

Is this you?

21 / 35

Is this you?

22 / 35

Is this you?

23 / 35

Is this you?

24 / 35

Is this you?

25 / 35

Is this you?

26 / 35

Is this you?

27 / 35

Is this you and your brain?

28 / 35

Is this you?

29 / 35

Could this be you?

30 / 35

Is this you?

31 / 35

Is this you?

32 / 35

Is this you…when you win? 🙂

33 / 35

Before we calculate your result… can you help us with a few quick questions to help improve and calibrate this quiz? All answers are private — we don’t track your ID, IP address, or anything.

You can skip any questions you like. Thank you!

Would you tell us about any tests you’ve taken for ADHD?

Just one more question, thanks!

34 / 35

Whether or not you’ve been tested, do you think you have ADHD (with or without hyperactivity)?

Just one more question after this one!

35 / 35

One last personal question, we promise!  

Your answer to this question will help us calibrate our scores so that we can discern between “people with ADHD who are managing with the help of medicine or supplements” with “people who don’t have ADHD”

Regardless of your diagnosis, are you currently taking any prescription medicine or over-the-counter supplements to manage your ADHD?

OK, really — sit back and wait for your score! You may need to wait 2 or 3 seconds.

Your score is


Working from Home with ADHD: Useful Articles

Working from home is both heaven and hell for people with ADHD. Here are a few of the better articles that offer help.

This is one of the two best articles I’ve found, so far — a quick sampler of suggestions edited by ADDitude Magazine:

ADHD Brains Working at Home: A Beginner’s Guide to Telecommuting

This is the other best article I’ve found so far — a comprehensive list with good commentary:

If you have ADHD, here’s how to manage working from home

All the fundamentals in one organized list, without much commentary:

Suddenly Working from Home

This is worth reading for thoughts on self-care and kindness:

5 Perils of Working from Home with ADHD

Eat right to keep your brain and body on track!

Succeeding with a Lack of Structure: tips for working on your own, part 4

“How can I be detail-oriented with ADHD?”

People with ADHD can be very detail oriented!

Much of our detail skill comes from one of two drivers:

  1. Hyperfocus. When people with ADHD go into hyperfocus, we pay deep attention to whatever we’re doing, whether that’s computer programming, house painting, or cooking a dinner for twelve. We might not notice that time is passing (or that the phone is ringing, or anything else) but by damn, we’re paying attention to our task. We don’t usually control when hyperfocus hits, but when it does, it hits hard.
  2. Compensation. After we get yelled at enough times by bosses who keep finding errors in our work, we can get really obsessive about QA. After we get fired enough times by clients whose deadlines we keep missing, we can get obsessive about timelines. After we go nuts for years of losing our keys, we learn how to put our keys in the same place every time we get to work and every time we get home.

In some cases, we end up looking far more organized than regular folks, who shake their heads in disbelief when we tell them we have ADHD 🙂 It’s fun to impress the regular folks! (As long as we don’t get overconfident…)


I wrote this post in reply to a question on Quora. 

See here for more answers:

“Do adults with ADHD get bored easily?”

Do adults with ADHD get bored easily? Yes and No, depending 🙂

Compared to other adults, adults with ADHD will get bored easily when they’re stuck in situations like these:

  • regimented work (e.g., assembly lines where the worker can’t control pace, and the pace is slow)
  • routine desk work (e.g., sorting and analyzing tons of similar data sets)
  • unappealing passive activities (e.g., sitting through a non-captivating lecture or movie)
  • unappealing social activities (e.g., talking with people at a dinner part or cocktail party with people you don’t find interesting)

That said, many adults with ADHD don’t get bored often because they hate boredom so much that they’ll do anything to avoid situations that might make them bored!

Adults with ADHD don’t pursue careers with a lot of regimented work or routine desk work. Or if they do pursue those careers, they get fired or otherwise drop out. (I used to be an engineer. It nearly killed me.)

Adults with ADHD don’t go to lectures unless they know 1,000% that they’re going to enjoy it. Otherwise, they do something else. If an adult with ADHD is at a movie and doesn’t like it, they get up and go to a different movie. Or they fiddle with their phones (despite all the nasty comments from people behind them who hate the bright screen). Adults with ADHD avoid boring parties or fail to follow the social rules that drive boring conversations. Or they find a dog to play with. Or a magazine to read in the corner.

So, to re-answer the question in a broader way:

  1. Adults with ADHD and freedom are rarely bored.
  2. Adults with ADHD and no freedom are often bored and in pain.


I wrote this post in reply to a question on Quora. 
See here for more answers:

“Do most people grow out of ADHD, or do they just learn to hide it better?”

ADHD is a lifetime condition — it’s how our brains are wired, so we can’t outgrow it like, say, acne or raging teenage hormones 🙂

Over time, though, we can do at least two things to make ADHD less of a problem and more of a joyful personality trait:

(1) we learn skills to cope with it (e.g., we get in the habit of setting alarms to let us know when it’s time to get up from our desk and head to the car to drive to our appointments, instead of just writing appointment times on the calendar)

(2) we learn how to choose jobs and environments and relationships where our ADHD are a good fit (e.g., active jobs that let us move around during the day) and not a tragic misfit (e.g. desk jobs with tedious, unchanging solo work,which is bad for most of us).


I wrote this post in reply to a question on Quora. 
See here for more answers:

“For those with ADHD, what caused the ‘switch or change’ when life became better?”

I was diagnosed at 28 with ADHD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder after I sought psychiatric help for a near meltdown at my 9–5 engineering job (which was more like a 9:30 to 6, seven days a week job because I was so inefficient).

Shortly thereafter, my kindhearted bosses offered me a voluntary layoff spot because they knew I wasn’t happy. At the same moment — almost my coincidence — my parents offered me money to take a year off because they knew I wasn’t happy.

  • I took the layoff.
  • I started to understand that ADHD and GAD were my bugbears — I wasn’t just an unexplainable and irresponsible f-up.
  • I started meds for both ADHD and GAD.
  • And I started looking for work that was meaningful to me and that I could do as a self-employed person in charge of my own schedule.

Life quit being terrible. Life started to get better.

In the 23 years since my diagnoses, life has still been full of struggles as well as successes. But they have been struggles and successes unencumbered by the drag of undiagnosed and unmanaged ADHD.

I still have ADHD and it still has many mysteries. ADHD is still my companion, but now I know its name and we do our best to be friends.

We are sometimes awkward dance partners but we are no longer secret enemies.


I wrote this post in reply to a question on Quora. 
See here for more answers:

“What’s been the most difficult part of the holiday season when you struggle with ADHD?”

The irregular schedule and rhythms can throw me off.

If I promise to get something done by January 6, I think I’ve got two weeks from December 23 to get it done. But then the holiday rhythms and activities hit and suddenly it’s January 2, my work is nearly due, and where the heck did the last ten days go?!


I wrote this post in reply to a question on Quora. 

See here for more answers:

“Is medication the best treatment for ADHD/ADD?”

Short answer: Medication can be great for ADHD, but it’s only one part of the solution. Some people do fine without medication!

Long answer:

ADHD treatment uses multiple tools. Medication is one of the biggest tools in the toolbox, but it’s not the only tool, and we shouldn’t think of medication as a “standalone” treatment.

The best ADHD treatments use some combination of:

  • medication
  • coaching
  • therapy (multiple types)
  • diet
  • exercise
  • self-education

Each tool supports our ADHD brains in a different way.

Few people with ADHD use all of the tools. Some of us treat ADHD with just medication and a little bit of coaching. Others treat ADHD with just self-education.

Important note: we manage ADHD by working on our INSIDES and also our OUTSIDES.

Our insides include our biochemistry and thought patterns. ADHD “treatment” mostly focuses on our insides.

Our outsides include small things like our physical environment. We use alarm clocks, sticky notes, good lighting, shelves, organizing systems, project management software, etc. to help us manage ADHD.

Our outsides also include big things like career choices and relationships. We choose careers that are well-suited for ADHD work (e.g., bartender instead of bookkeeper, entrepreneur instead of engineer). We choose relationships with people who “get us,” and who engage mostly with the things we do best!

Recap: Medication can be great for ADHD, but it’s only one part of the solution. Some people do fine without medication!


I wrote this post in reply to a question on Quora. 

See here for more answers:

“Can an adult un-diagnosed as a child be tested and benefit from counseling and other therapies?”

Yes, 100%

An adult will get just as many benefits from counseling and other therapies (primarily medication) as a child would.

Note that an ADHD diagnosis in adulthood usually comes with a shocking assortment of emotions as the adult suddenly realizes how ADHD played an unknown role in their childhood and earlier adulthood.

Some emotions are friendly: like relief in discovering that they aren’t and weren’t lazy or stupid.

Some are tough: like anger at parents and teachers who may have disciplined or guided them in ways that were unproductive.

Some are complicated: like wondering about whether to change a career that they’d been committed to for years (maybe decades) but that never felt “right” for them.

It’s big work to negotiate these emotions. A newly diagnosed adult may have more counseling challenges than a child, because the adult has two things to reckon with: (1) ADHD in the present and (2) ADHD in the past.

Here’s a good intro article for on next steps for an adult just diagnosed with ADHD.

————I wrote this post in reply to a question on Quora.

See here for more answers: