Me: I’ll do it at 6
Time: 6:02
Me: Oops, too late. Got to wait until 7 now.
Category: Humor
Procrastination: Don’t Even…
Procrastination: Imagination
Anti-Procrastination Partner
Procrastination — Thomas Jefferson
Procrastination — Late Hate
Work schedule: procrastinate until you hate yourself, then do work, then wonder why you waited so long, then repeat.
A Little Bit of “Yes” and a Whole Lot of “No”
Director Scorsese begins this scene with the camera focused on the “No” sign, then pulls back to show deNiro and the rest of the office. Sticking to principles is an essential part of deNiro’s character, who is the only central character who isn’t dead by the end of the story.
For more on this great movie: Casino at IMDB
Orange Juice
Q: Did you hear about the guy who got fired from the orange juice factory?
A: He couldn’t “concentrate”.
“Stop Talking”
I wouldn’t give one to a stranger, but I’d gladly get one from a friend.
I ask clients and colleagues to interrupt me if I’m going on too long, and I’ve teamed with colleagues to interrupt each other* if one of us is hogging the floor, talking at our clients instead of conversing with them.
Facts to remember:
- Other people need to speak.
- We need to listen.
- Bite-sized statements are easier to digest (and easier redirect if they’re on the wrong track).
- Not everything needs to be said right now, if at all.
“Stop talking” is a welcome interruption when requested in advance.
*It helps to use nicer words than “stop talking” or “STFU”. ☺